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EWM treatment

Jul 28, 2020      Share:  

EWM treatment




The Comfort Lakes Association Board has been granted a DNR permit to treat portions of the northern 2/3 of Comfort Lake with Platoon (2,4-D) to help control the growth and spread of Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM). These lakefront areas will be treated sometime between July 28 and August 8 depending on the weather. Please refer to the map for specific treatment areas. 


 IMPORTANT: Homeowners who irrigate from the lake in the treatment areas should turn off their irrigation for 7 days from the treatment date in order to avoid any damage to gardens and landscaping.



Platoon is an herbicide that is highly effective on EWM, but it comes with the following restrictions:


·         We need to stay 50 feet away from lily pads when we treat


·         Turn off irrigation from the lake for 7 days


·         Do not drink the water for 7 days and do not water livestock for 7 days.



It will take one to two weeks for the treatment to take full effect. Homeowners in the treatment area: please remove dead EWM from your lakefront area to prevent it from turning to muck.


 We will be treating on Wednesday, July 29th at 9:00 am. Notices will be posted in the treatment areas for 7 days.


 If you have questions, please contact us at




Blog Categories:  Meeting Notices, Little Comfort Lake, Big Comfort Lake, Public Safety, Shoreline Policy