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Curly leaf Pondweed Treatment April 24

Apr 23, 2024      Share:  

Curly leaf Pondweed Treatment April 24

We received the following message from Garrett Miller, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Coordinator, from the CLFLWD regarding curly leaf pondweed in Big and Little Comfort Lakes.     Treatment in Big Comfort is tentatively scheduled for April 24, 2024.


CLA Board



Here are the results of the 2024 spring curly-leaf pondweed (CLP) delineation (see attached). As you can see, CLP has expanded in Comfort Lake this season and we are now planning to treat 9.45 acres. These are surprising results as we have not marked anything for treatment since 2015, and that was only one acre at that time. I am working on getting the DNR permits now and will hopefully have a treatment conducted by the end of April.


I also went out on Little Comfort Lake recently and performed a CLP meandering survey (map pending). I’m happy to report that no treatment is recommended in that basin. We did find CLP at several locations, but they were single stems that pose no recreational or ecological threats.




Garrett Miller



Blog Categories:  Curlyleaf Pond Weed